One last task before I get to fitting the elevators to the horizontal stabilizer. Today I’m going to finish the fitting of the elevator torque tube assemblies to each elevator. You might notice that these are now a light grey color (in previous posts they were painted black). I recently sent these out for powder coating and am very happy with the finished product.

I began with getting the nutplates riveted to the assemblies. The corner nutplates were pretty tricky to get riveted.

I’m pretty happy with the results.

With the torque tube assembly clecoed in place in the elevator, I was able to mark where to trim the inboard rib for a bit of extra clearance.

In the picture below, you can see the rib has been trimmed and now has a good bit of clearance around the torque tube.

Please comment. I love to hear from my readers. Thanks again for coming along for this ride, you make my work worthwhile.
RFQ – elevator torque tube assembly
Hey Scott, I don’t sell any Stewart S-51 parts, you’ll have to contact Bill Hudgens at the Stewart 51 company –