Today I’m starting to work on the rudder trim tab hinge. I began with roughly cutting the hinge to length, then started to get it clamped in place. To help me in getting the hinge located in the ideal position, I extended the centerline of the hinge on each end. This helped me to get it clamped on both ends.

Below are some additional views of getting the hinge aligned.


With the hinge clamped in place. I’m going to just leave this here for now and come back to check it again later before I commit myself to drilling holes and making it permanent.
Forming the rudder trim tab
In the meantime, I’m going to remake the rudder trim tab and a new spar for the trim tab. For the tab skin, it will be easier to work and custom fit a new one rather than trying to make the old one fit the new opening. With making a new set of rudder ribs, the dimensions are slightly different, so a custom fit of the new tab will be the way to go. I can also match drill it to the new hinge.
I started by cutting a new skin blank, and marking a centerline in it to bend.

To get the bend started I began with making a bend in the break to about 90 degrees. After that, I’ll close continue the bend with the bending tool I made when I formed the skins for the F1 Rocket ailerons and elevators.

Below, I have the layout for the new rudder trim tab spar.

And this was an easy piece to get bent. Notice how I made it quite a bit thicker than the old part. This is another reason why the old part wasn’t going to work out the best, as the trim tab would have been too skinny for the airfoil.

That’s all for today folks! Please comment. I love to hear from my readers. Thanks again for coming along for this ride, you make my work worthwhile.
Good day!
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