The build session for today is focused on getting the rudder trim tab control access panel made. In the picture below, and in the mess of all the lines is the center of the rib flanges identified. This is what I want to use to help locate the screw holes. As you can see I have already begun drilling a few of the fastener holes.

The fastener layout is really straight forward and using the fan spacing tool sure helped with getting the spacing even.

Unfortunately the rivet lines didn’t line up with the rivet holes in the spar, but sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. You can also see in the picture below that I’ve also begun to drill for the nutplates.

And once the ribs were drilled, I was able to easily and quickly match drill the fastener holes in the access panel using a strap duplicator tool.

That’s all for today folks! Please comment. I love to hear from my readers. Thanks again for coming along for this ride, you make my work worthwhile.
Good day!
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