Today I’m working at adding the leading edges to the elevators. I’ve been putting this off as I don’t want to screw it up, so joining me today is my best bud Garet. We started with locating and pilot drilling the holes to attach the leading edges to the spar. Once all the holes were […]
Elevator balance weights – pt. 2
Today I’m proceeding with the elevator balance weights and locating them on the elevators. In the picture below, I have the balance weight assembly roughly located on the elevator. You can also note that I previously made 3 vertical black lines. These black lines indicate the spacing of the 3 structural screws (AN525-10R7) which attach […]
Elevator balance weights
Today I’m ready for a change of pace on the elevators and I’m going to start building up the balance weights. I’ve been putting this off for a while as I know it’s going to be a complicated event. However, like everything in building planes, the process becomes clear when you chunk it down and […]
Elevator trim tab build-up continued
Today I’m continuing with building up the elevator trim tab. I’m starting by filing down the edges to get 3/32 inch clearance between the tab and the elevator. Once I got the edges filed down, I started to work on the trim tab end ribs. The S-51 plans don’t provide much detail here so I’m […]